There has been progress, but it has been start and stop. A goal in the last 3-4 months was for the Claims Administrator to creat a test report ("beta test") to one or two publishers to test that its preparations for reports to 4600 publishers were valid. Just developing the instructions for that report and the instructions that would go to the publishers with their report took up roughly two months before the report and have been worked on since May. That report went out on August 25th. There were errors. A revised report went out on September 24th. The need to send reports to about 800 publishers has been avoided. Each of those 800 had less than $25 in claims against them.
The Claims Administrator is now finalizing the process of sending reports to 3800 publishers and providing for the publishers to respond (either with questions or disputes about the claims) to the reports. I would guessestimate that will take 30 days. Once those go out, it starts several clocks runing establishing some outside limits on how much longer this can go on. The various clocks are triggered by different events so I can't simply say X days or months. But roughly speaking, those reports start a 6-8 month period at the end of which, theoretically, payments could go out.